The Warfighter's Soul
To the suffering veteran: Now is not the time to ring out.
A QRF is on its way.

In The Warfighter’s Soul, Greg Wark and Ray Rodriguez explain the trauma and depression that attack veterans and offer proven strategies to combat this enemy. This book is for veterans, those who know a veteran, and those entering the military. It will prepare readers to face the unseen enemy that buries itself in a veteran’s soulThe tactics found here offer practical solutions and explanations of why and how they work. Read to understand
- why so many veterans commit suicide,
- the signs of a person considering suicide,
- how to help the veteran in your life,
- actions for confronting stress and trauma,
- how to survive thoughts of depression and suicide, and
- what the soul is and how it works.
Learn tactics to manage traumatic events and help others who are engaged in this unseen battle.

Membership continues researching the subject personal stress and trauma and its effect on one’s soul. Becoming a member of TWS offers access to this continuing research. Members are given access to the information beyond the abstracts found in this website.

The Resources page contains articles, including text video and audio information on a subject. Our goal is to equip you with the information that can best assist you with your specific needs. We will cover various subjects that are informative and valuable to our community.

We at The Warfighter’s Soul do the work of meeting with military and law enforcement members and help them with their personal growth. We help them understand subjects and objects that hinder and at times block them from moving forward with their lives.